Laboratory assistant Shandruk T.V. and Mykhashchyshyn O.O. are working on materials for practical classes for students of the 6th course of the methodological office, at Ternopil Regional Hospital


Assistant Professor Burak A.E. conducts practical classes for 4th-year students. Operating unit, Ternopil Regional Hospital (2022)

Assoc. Prof. Dobrorodnyi V.B. and Assoc. Prof. Smachilo I.I. perform removal of the thyroid gland (2022)

AAssoc. Prof. Dobrorodniy V.B. and AAssoc. Prof. Misak A.I. are working on the presentation of lectures for 5th year students. Methodical office, Ternopil University Hospital. (2021)

Assistant Professor Gritsenko S.Y. and 4th year students in the study room of the surgical department №1, Ternopil University Hospital. (2021)

AAssoc. Prof. Bodnar P.Y. with 6th year students discusses the topic of the lesson: Acute surgical pathology of the abdominal cavity. Surgical Department №2, Ternopil University Hospital. (2021)

Assistant Professor Viytovych L.V. during operation on thoracic cavity (2020)

Assoc. Prof. Dobrorodniy V.B. and Prof. Palamarchuk V.O. Conference on Endocrine Surgery. Lviv (2019)

Assoc. Prof. V.V. Malovaniy and Assistant Professor Viytovych Liubov Conference on Modern problem of thoracic surgery. Kyiv (2018)

Associate Professor Mysak A.I. practice on the simulator "European Congress of Urologists" (2014)

Associate Professor Mysak A.I. with students (2014)

Associate Professor Malovaniy V.V. in operation room (2014)

Associate Professor Mysak A.I. at the "European Urology Congress" (2013)

The staff of the department at the conference "Topical issues of modern surgery" in China (2013)

Associate Professor Mysak A.I. at the "European Urology Congress" (2013)

The staff of the department at the conference "Topical issues of modern surgery" in China (2012)

Associate Professor V.V. Malovaniy at the conference "Modern problems of thoracic surgery" (2011)

Associate Professor Gusak O.M. performs resection of the rectum (2011)

Department staff bypassing the surgical department (2011)

Prof. Bedeniuk A.D. in sergucal department #1 (2010)

Prof. Bedeniuk A.D. in operation room (2010)