Higher, in 1970 he graduated at the Medical Faculty of Ternopil Medical Institute, majoring in Medical.

Research activities:

In 1972 he enrolled in postgraduate course at the Department of Faculty Surgery of Ternopil Medical Institute. His thorough research in the field of extrahepatic bile duct surgery was successfully completed in 1979 with the PhD work "Functional Condition of the Liver in Diseases of the Extrahepatic bile ducts".

The subject of further scientific research was a peptic ulcer surgery. His research and development in this area formed the basis of his doctoral thesis on the theme: "Functional state of the esophageal-gastric junction and its significance in ulcer surgery," which he defended in 1991. Since 1975 V.O. Shidlovsky teaching staff: from 1975 to 1979 - assistant of the Department of Hospital Surgery, from 1979 to 1989 - assistant and associate professor of the Department of Faculty Surgery. From 1989 to 2010 he held the positions Head the Department. Since 2015 he has been working as a Professor of Surgery at Department of Surgery № 1 with Urology, miniinvasive surgery and neurosurgery named after L. Kovalchuk.


  • Under his leadership studies were conducted on the transplantation of cell and organ cultures of endocrine organs, developed problems of surgery of toxic and nodal endemic goiter, safety of performing surgical interventions on the thyroid and thyroid glands.

  • They introduce minimally invasive technologies in the treatment of nodular goiter. He performs a large amount of medical and consulting work.


V.O. Shydlovsky is the author of more than 150 scientific works, 15 inventions. The range of scientific interests of Viktor Alexandrovich is extremely wide: problems of purulent pathology of the hand, diabetic foot, prevention of purulent complications in biliary and emergency surgery. With special inspiration V.O. Shidlovsky pays attention to endocrine surgery. He introduced into the practice of the clinic operations on parathyroid, adrenal and pancreas with hormone-active tumors.